Catoosa High School

The Catoosa Athletic Department would like to thank you for your support throughout the 22-23 school year. You will never know how much it means to the students when you're present at their events. We showed a lot of growth and success this year. From winning coaches of the year to State Runners-Up, thank you to all of our coaches for their countless hours and dedication to Catoosa! We couldn't do this without you!

Another huge shoutout goes to Mrs. Shelly Dill - Catoosa Athletics would not be able to function without you, myself included. Thank you for everything you do for not only me but the entire athletic department. You're a rockstar!

Shelly Rogers, Mary Strawser, Kara Durnal, Yolanda Ramirez, Kelsey Barbee - THANK YOU!! Thank you for working all day and then working the gates and concession stands for all of our home events in the evenings. Because of you, we are able to host a multitude of events from OSSAA Regional Wrestling to home soccer games. 

Mitch McGrew, Lynette Burchfield, Mark McVay, Bryce Hauenstein and Sal Guerrero - Thank you for sharing the load of admin coverage this year. :)

Mr. Schornick and Josh Brown - Thank you for your continued support of Catoosa Athletics and Activities and even driving the bus for some of our teams!

Matt Stout and Tony Martray - Thank you for always being available to fix any issues that may arise at all of our facilities. Especially the stinky ones!

I can't wait to see what the 23-24 school year brings!


Courtne St. Clair

Catoosa Public Schools | Executive Director of Athletics and Activities