Wells Middle School Book Fair OPEN ON VIRTUAL FRIDAY 8:00-11:00/12:00-2:30 Check out, https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/wellsmiddleschool1 for more details.
about 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
Book Fair ad
Parents and Guardians, this letter/permission slip will go home with your student today, October 31, 2023. If you would like for your child to be able to receive this life-saving medication, if needed during the school day, please sign the consent form and return it to your student's school site. Albuterol Letter - https://5il.co/2827w Authorization Form - https://5il.co/2827v
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
Special Olympic Athletes
PLEASE VOTE TODAY! Polling locations are open from 7 AM - 7 PM.
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
Please vote
Check out the latest Wells newsletter! https://www.smore.com/pesv3
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
Wells Press
Please be aware that our internet system is currently inoperable due to a Cox outage in the area - which impacts our phone system as well. We are unable to receive any incoming calls. Should you need to speak to a school employee, please stop by the main office. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have the system up and running later this evening.
over 1 year ago, Robert Schornick
Hey Catoosa! Register for the Turkey Takeover by Oct. 22nd to guarantee a spot. Email Robert West at rbwest@yahoo.com or text Robert at 918.284.5793
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
Turkey Takeover Tournament Flyer
Join us on Oct. 4th from 6P-8P at the Catoosa Dome to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
Hispanic Heritage Celebration
In ten days, Catoosa voters will have the opportunity to support Catoosa Public Schools to finish strong with a beautiful comprehensive pre-K-5th grade elementary campus featuring a state-of-the-art Innovation Lab! Save the date for Tuesday, Oct. 10 to get out and vote on our 2023 school bond. We broke ground on our new elementary school in the late summer of 2022, and we’ve made exciting progress since then with the roof, doors, and windows recently installed. We’ve also dealt with the challenges of record inflation rates and unpredictable construction markets. Regardless of the difficulties of the post-COVID economy, our students and families deserve a world-class elementary learning experiences. We need the support of every Catoosa voter to give it to them. On Tuesday, Oct. 10, make a plan to get out and vote on the Catoosa Public Schools 2023 Bond. For a modest annual tax increase that will maintain Catoosa’s status as having one of the lowest school tax rates in the area, you can transform teaching and learning for our elementary students for generations to come. #Equip2Excel
over 1 year ago, Robert Schornick
CPS 2023 Bond Proposal
Parent / Teacher Conferences are coming up—October 16 and 17, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. To schedule an appt. via MyConferenceTime, go to www.catoosaps.net and click on Parent/Teacher Conferences at the center of the home page.
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
PT Conf Graphic
PT Location on Website
See You At The Pole! Catoosa High School - McNabb Field Sept. 27th, 2023 @6:30 a.m. Catoosa FCA - Fields of Faith Wednesday, 0ct. 11th, 2023
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
See you at the pole
Field of Faith
The Catoosa Youth Basketball Association signup deadline is quickly approaching! October 30th is the last day.
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
CYBA flyer
CPS will honor Active Duty Military Members, Veterans, and First Responders at the Catoosa Indians Football - Military Night on Sept. 15th. Click here for more details https://5il.co/24s8k Also, check out the Catoosa Spirit Shop! https://5il.co/24s94 Scan the QR code to go directly to the Shop.
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
CPS Football Military Night
CPS Families - Please click the link to view our district's updated Athletic Events Safety and Security. https://5il.co/23loo
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
Indian Logo
Hey all! Our first Distance Learning day is quickly approaching; as a matter of fact, it's this coming Friday, September 1st. Click on the link to see the Distance Learning Framework. https://5il.co/23fgd
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
CPS Logo
Catoosa Parents and Families, We are aware of the news reports about bomb threats targeting Oklahoma schools. We have not directly received any information about threats towards our schools, but we are always monitoring for safety and security.
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
CPS Important Announcement
Catoosa Public Schools has a brand new Agricultural Education page on Facebook! Find us on Facebook and give us a follow! Catoosa FFA - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095721095047
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
Catoosa Ag Cover Photo
We're excited to see everyone on August 8th! Make note of the Drop-off and Pick-up times for all locations.
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
Drop off and Pick up times for all schools
Hello Parents/Guardians - quick information about Chromebook pickups. The usage fee is $30, which must be paid before a device is checked out to the student. We can take cash or check. Thanks, and we're excited to see everyone return on August 8th!
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
The 2023/2024 school year is quickly approaching. There's still time to enroll!
over 1 year ago, Catoosa Public Schools
There's still time to enroll